Leave behind the trappings of abusive religion found in the fallacy of the ex-gay movement. If you have ever wanted practical, yet personal steps to integrating authentic spirituality with gay sexuality, Jallen’s book is your guide.
-- The Rev. Elder Troy Perry, Founder, Metropolitan Community Churches
Jallen Rix, a young man who has suffered through ex-gay therapy, tells how he found new hope and healing for his wounded, gay soul. Please, if you are struggling to know the truth about homosexuality for yourself or for one you love, read Ex-Gay No Way. It could save your life or the life of a gay or lesbian person who needs to know that homosexuality is not a sickness to be healed or a sin to be forgiven but another of God's mysterious gifts to be accepted, celebrated and lived with integrity.
-- Mel White, Author, Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America and Religion Gone Bad: Hidden Dangers from the Christian Right
Dr. Rix has exposed reparative therapy in a way never seen before. He clearly compares the features of the ex-gay movement with the damaging and cultic aspects of hyper-religiosity. The similarities are so numerous that, at times, there simply is no difference between the two.
-- Professor of Sexology, Dean of Students, Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco, California
Dr. Jallen Rix’s fearless honesty in sharing his personal journey - of moving out of the abusive setting of many churches that promote the “ex-gay” ethos - will be a tremendous encouragement to many gay Christians who are beginning to contemplate that journey for themselves. He is gentle and respectful towards those who would passionately disagree with him, yet rightly determined to expose what is wrong with so much of the anti-gay hype in today’s world. His story is going to be an invaluable tool for a great many - to help them begin to recognize what is in fact serious abuse, not the pursuit of godliness.
--Jeremy Marks, COURAGE, U.K., Author, Exchanging the Truth of God for a Lie
Ex-Gay therapy is both ineffective and traumatizing and often leaves wounds which may feel impossible to heal. Until now, there were few books that offered hope for people who have endured this torture and brainwashing. In Ex-gay, No Way, Jallen Rix shares his inspiring story and delivers a ground-breaking book that serves as beacon of hope. Finally the path that leads out of self-loathing and depression has been illuminated. Survivors of so-called “conversion therapy” have been tossed a life preserver in this uplifting and life-changing book. It is a must read for survivors and all those who wish to support them.
Darren Main, author of The Urban Mystic, and Hearts & Minds: Talking to Christians about Homosexuality
The Ex-gay Movement is stripped naked, and through an abundance of snapshots we get to see its vulnerability and cover-ups. These perspectives are mounted together with Jallen’s moving story telling and in-depth research. The naming of religious abuse, the dispelling of sex-phobic myths, the raw emotion of personal experience make this a great resource for pastors and counselors; yet possibly the greatest accomplishment of this book is that it brings the reader to a conclusion a motive and means for recovery without feeling forced to accept or abandon.
-- Paul Whiting, International advocate, writer and pastor
What the Reviews are saying about Ex-Gay No Way:
Seattle Gay News, Gay Pride Issue Book Review
Failed Ex-Gays Speak Out. Rekers and Smid can learn something
Peterson Toscano's A Musing
Bay Times Photo at a San Francisco Reading
You can read other published articles by Jallen here
“God would prefer me dead than
I have another gay thought.”
Hopelessness is what gay Christians feel when they are told that they must be “straight” to gain God’s acceptance. No matter how hard they try presenting an outward heterosexual artifice, passionless marriages, celibacy, exorcism, prayer they still, deep down, feel like inauthentic failures to such a degree that some have committed suicide. The people who are responsible for this outrage are part of a cult-like, 30 year-old “Ex-Gay” movement now hidden behind the misleading appellation “Reparative Therapy.” No matter what psychological dressings they hang on their outward identity, this fundamentalist extremity of Christianity always has the same agenda: because God has told them that homosexuality is a sickness and a sin, the movement has assumed that flipping from gay to straight is possible and change-worthy, despite decades of psycho/sexual research to the contrary.
Sexuality and Spirituality
Jallen Rix, as a young Southern Baptist, joined an ex-gay ministry when he discovered his same-sex attractions. Although the ministry did not make him heterosexual, it did manage to destroy any sense of stability and self-esteem.
Ex-Gay No Way is Dr. Rix’s journey through the ex-gay world and what he did in the aftermath to reintegrate positive sexuality with healthy spirituality. Further, he demonstrates that the tactics used in these oppressive environments are many of the same damaging schemes used everywhere in power-abusive religious organizations today.
Order your copy at Findhorn Press
Or at: Amazon.com
Electronic version: http://tinyurl.com/yessc8s
Audio version: It's true! You can now hear an audio version of my book, read cover to cover by yours truly! Here's a sample. Upload your copy right now:
If you would like to read the first few pages of the book, go to: Excerpt
You can also read a PDF document of a Bottomline Magazine article I wrote about my own history in the ex-gay movement by clicking on its title:
I Got Out: Confessions of a Recovering Ex-Gay.
In the book you will find a number of my lyrics since much of my recovery process occurred while I was a full time musician. You can now download my music on itunes! The Sacred and the Queer and Time on a Chain. If you would like to experience a real piece of my ex-gay past, download and/or listen to a song I wrote and recorded way back in 1987 called:
The Song of the Outsider
Calendar of Appearances: http://www.doctorrix.com/appear.html
To learn more about my work as a sexologist go to: DoctorRix.com
Find other ex-gay survivors
If you are a survivor of an ex-gay or reparative therapy experience and would like to connect with others who have similar stories go to beyondexgay.com